Connecting Through Play-Fight
SomaticsLab, Uwe Jaschke
& Felix Arend
11:30 - 13:00
In play-fight we use rough-and-tumble games and movement situations to learn about patterns we use to deal with resistance and conflict.
The practice we guide you through is joyful yet deep and helps you connect to your strength, resources and power.
Inspired by martial arts, dance and somatic practices the central point is to develop and strengthen a playful mindset and a body that uses structure instead of force to deal with the outer world.
Prepare for one and a half hour of childishness and intense play.
At the end we have a space to reflect on the personal, social and cultural implications that are at the core of this practice.
SomaticsLab in Dresden, Germany is a space for training in awareness and movement. It serves as an ongoing research-practice facilitating the study and application of embodiment and development of healthy and sustainable learning environments. This is based on an interdisciplinary approach merging theory and practice that includes works in sciences, arts, philosophy and the fields of somatics and movement.
Uwe Jaschke works as Feldenkrais-Practitioner (FVD), Facilitator and Trainer for embodied practices. He is active in the field of somatics since 10+ years. With a background as M.Sc. he also coordinates an international network of scientists based in the field of researching somatic practices. He is the founder of SomaticsLab, a space for training in awareness and movement, that serves as an ongoing research-practice facilitating the study and application of embodiment and development of healthy and sustainable learning environments.
In the SomaticsLab he focuses on the topic „nature and knowledge“, creating learning experiences to explore nature through the exploration of the body.
Felix Arend is a somatic movement practitioner who works as facilitator and trainer for embodied practices. He is a trained dance and movement educator and brings in over 10 years of experience in different movement fields. He has a background in philosophy and is currently receiving education as a Feldenkrais Practitioner. In his biography he came in contact with trauma which became a catalyst for healing processes and a re-orientation towards movement and embodiment.
He is co-founder of SomaticsLab where he focuses his research on the topic of "power and body" in relation to a diverse movement practice.