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Deep Dive Playground: An Exploration of Pivotal Transformation in Global Somatic Practices

E. E. Balcos, David Ka-nang

Leung, Eugenia S. Kim


16:00 - 17:30



Deep Dive Playground

The body, mind, and spirit form a triadic relationship, simultaneously interrelating and interacting, to create trigonometric stability permeating the physical, psychological, and ethereal. In an embodied practice, both proprioception and touch are keys to help us stay present and connect with ourselves and others. Virtual connections can transcend physical boundaries to activate these sensations even when in isolation.
Imagine within your kinesphere a triangle gyrating around a pivotal point so that it moves through various planes, dimensions and perspectives. As observers witness from different angles the unique shape, size, and orientation of the triangle, what could that pivotal point be?
We propose a dynamic holistic space using the pure play-practice of the body moving in gravity, as a solo or with others, as a tool for acquiring biomechanical skills and attaining movement proficiency in real-time. This process allows us to progress through life with heightened awareness, relative ease, and creative problem-solving skills in order to support a holistic sense of well-being. We will use universal somatic components such as falling/recovering, shifting/rooting, and pushing/pulling that will speak to anyone who owns a human body.

Triadic Confluence is about the intersectionality of a diverse group of movement artists and researchers (all of Asian heritage or descent), and their devotion (towards the light) to the practices of body awareness, movement expression, connection to the world, and healing. They use the intersectionality of their commonalities (including the “in-between-ness” of their individual and collective experience), their diversion into explorations that are predominated by Western cultures, and theories about ideas of social, political, and environmental transformation. Through co-creation and exploring concepts such as self-touch, transformative possibilities, distillation and crystallization of movement pathways and choreographic scores, and accessibility of energetic connections, they aim to create environments imbued with sensory aliveness.

The core of Triadic Confluence consists of E.E. Balcos, David Ka-nang Leung, and Eugenia S. Kim

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