Reflecting on Film Works Series : GOG MAGOG
Jane Turner
14:30 - 14:50
Short Presentation

During the Spring/Summer lockdown in 2020 Jane Turner led her dance company TURNING WORLDS into shapeshifting their planned touring project into a film with a large cast. As climate crisis global events including Covid 19 foregrounded our bodies’ intrinsic interconnection to the environment in our era of the anthropocene, we found ourselves working in a new way.
With a rich history of creating performance with the self-organising systems that drive Nature and Culture, sensitive attentiveness to our isolated dancing bodies led to finding new outdoor studios, and to a digital choreographic method of working. Zoom enabled the company to swell from the usual 5 London based 16 international dance artists whilst the Gog Magog hills near the Stapleford Arts Centre that originally commissioned the work, became central providing a site for research and creation. Also called the ""Telegraph clump"" the hills functioned as one of the locations for the semaphore line, an optical telegraph system between London and Great Yarmouth in the 19thC whilst giant figures supposedly cut into this ancient chalk hill fort that Cambridge archeologist Lethbridge’s 19th century excavations of the site suggested: a moon goddess and her horse (Magog/Epona of the Celts) fed into our work.
Jane Turner has been working as a dancer/teacher/choreographer for over 40 years. Early experiences dancing for the Scala Ballet Barcelona to touring children’s theatre and leading community dance organization/magazine DICE have informed an interdisciplinary performance-as-research trajectory that has inspired her leadership of TURNING WORLDS dance company’s participatory and performative projects. 2021 will see Gog Magog expanding the into new satellite activity and Jane will also be working on a families’ Dance & Heritage project with BEEE Creative. Other recent projects include: invited dance artist with PELL Ensembles 2020 Virtual Cultures project; creating The CFC Cabaret (2018 Cambridge); dancer for Rosemary Lee's Passage for PAR (2018). Jane teaches at London Metropolitan University and her latest writing will be published in dancer-citizen Issue 12.