Lifting up The Aesthetic of Our Disabilities
Martha Eddy
11:30 - 13:00

Explore hidden and overt disabilities as a place of pride, creativity and voice. Investigate life experiences and living narratives that have ever made you to feel less than. Move what is inside out to reclaim the beauty in our physicaldiverse, pyschodiverse, neurodiverse selves. We will journal-write, talk and move. Please bring paper and something to write. Drawing tools are good too.
RSMT/E, CMA, DEP, teacher of BMC since 1984, is a performer, researcher, first Geraldine Ferraro Fellow of Social Justice, world-wide lecturer & author. Her BodyMind Dancing classes and performance work have been featured in the NYTimes twice in 2021. She published her book Mindful Movement the Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action in 2016/17, which speaks to history of the somatic field. A new book is Dynamic Embodiment of the Sun Salutation is full of Body-Mind Centering neuroendocrinology and more.. Her work centers in eco-somatics – a term she coined (www.GlobalWaterDances.org), social somatics (www.MovingOnCenter.org), & peace education/violence prevention. She is best known for applying somatic movement, dance and neuro-motor exercise to educational and recreational programs for children and adults with diverse learning and physical challenges (www.WellnessCKE.net). This includes people of all ages exploring health in relationship to cancer. Dynamic Embodiment theories and practices help bring back connection and a person to heal and thereby overcome the side-effects to treatment of life-threatening diseases and trauma (www.MovingForLife.org).