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Resisting Extinction

Olive Bieringa


16:30 - 17:30


Performance Lecture

Resisting Extinction

BodyCartography’s Resisting Extinction is a performance work that cultivates humble tools to support our collective (human/non-human) evolution. We will offer practices for grieving and resisting extinction amidst this spiraling ecological devastation. Resisting Extinction will manifest through three simultaneously unfolding performance events along shorelines and riverbanks in different communities. This specific offering as a grieving practice. An ecosomatic offering for living on a damaged earth.

Resisting Extinction is being developed by Olive Bieringa, Otto Ramstad, Maria Lothe, Sigrid Marie Kittelsaa Vesaas, Laressa Dickey, and Hanna Filomen

Olive Bieringa is a dance, performance and visual artist working at the intersection of social and creative practice, pedagogy, and healing. She is a teacher, and practitioner of Body-Mind Centering and a program director of Somatic Education Australasia. She collaborates with Otto Ramstad as the BodyCartography Project whose mission is to engage with the vital materiality of our bodies and minds to create live performance that facilitates a re-enchantment of embodiment, relationship, and presence. She is a doctoral candidate at the Theatre Academy, Uniarts Arts, Helsinki.

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