Sense Your Buddy
Torsten Konrad & Students
of Folkwang University
14:00 - 14:30

Bodyperformance based on sensory appreciation and the inherent intelligence of our physicality. Generated through the dialogue with perception of self and other, this performance and training format for artists generates material for self-expression, communication as well as presentation. Different levels of perception are invited and used to access expressive performance contents. Empathy produces visions of coexistence based upon needs, understanding, togetherness, equality and co-creation beyond the reference of presentation and exhibitionism.
Torsten Konrad is a performing and visual artist as well as a teacher for body awareness and movement studies at Folkwang-University of the arts. Hereby as well as in his function as teacher and trainer of the Alexander-Technique and awareness education he supports all aspects of authentic self-expression in artistic studies, projects, socialization and relationship. His research also takes place in his performance work and has been awarded by Pina Bausch with the Kurt-Jooss-Price for choreography. It deals with allowing new levels of fulfillment, partnership and realization to enter into our culture and society.