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Somatic Anti-Racism Approaches

In Our White Bodies

Working Group


11:30 - 13:00



Somatic Anti Racism Approaches

In this lecture/workshop Florian will present the 2020 founded research and practice process of the international somatic research group: „In Our White Bodies – Anti-Racism Workgroup”.

The first half will be a lecture/presentation and summary of the progress of white-identified bodies to work on anti-racism strategies, on deconstructing white colonialism, and addressing internalized racism in our bodies and the somatic practices and education we bring into the world.

Anti-racism material from a perspective of living with-in a body identified as ‘white’ - working with embodiment was the entrance point. The process of finding approaches, creating accountability (i.e. consulting practitioners/educators of color during the process and constant re-evaluation), and discovering methods to analyze and experience believe-systems and discriminative structures will be documented – proposals for change & open questions arising throughout the process presented.

A practical workshop in the second half will bring the discovered concepts alive and make them experience-able for the attendees. Room for discussion is given if the time allows.

Florian Filtzinger will be presenting the process from his perspective and perception with the permission of the group. He studied Somatic Pedagogy at the Somatic Academy Berlin and currently adds a therapist education to his training (DYNAMIC EMBODIMENT, Dr. Martha Eddy).

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