Transhumanist Cephalopod Evolution
Miriam Seamoon
16:30 - 18:00

A psycho-physical training regimen for human enhancement, with the cephalopod as our role model species.
We train three key traits - (1) Seeing with the Skin (2) Shapeshifting: a hyper-awareness of one’s hyper-local environment and the ability to respond for best resiliency; (3) Distributed Intelligence, a cephalopod has a nervous system radically different that the human: 3/5 of its neurons are in the arms. Some say the octopus is a single organism with 9 brains. From another perspective, we can say it is nine organisms housed within a single skin. How can multiple humans (and non-) come to inhabit a single organism with distributed sensory and decision-making capabilities? Beyond negotiation, beyond collaboration: toward shared intention.
We will work alone, in partners, and as a group.
TRANSHUMANIST CEPHALOPOD EVOLUTION is an ecological, embodied and ethical approach towards the “the future”. In the face of a rapid technological and ecological change, T.C.E looks towards our fellow species and our oceanic roots, embracing the capacities residing in the biological human body and the pleasures rooted in bodily labors; exploring the possibilities for mythological, embodied and indigenous knowledge for the project of innovation; positing the “model species” as a role model for a kind of humanity rather than only an instrument for science; and embracing training as a technology rooted in practice, development of internal abilities, and equity in access.
Also available is a related video to screen, 24 min: YOUR URGE TO BREATHE IS A LIE https://vimeo.com/350463037 password: octopus
Their work has been presented internationally, including Gropius Bau (Berlin), New Museum (New York), Himalayas Museum (Shanghai), The Contemporary (Baltimore) and the Bogota Museum of Modern Art (Bogota) and has been supported by Creative Capital and the Robert Rauschenberg, Joan Mitchell, and Onassis Foundations.
More at linktr.ee/mseamoon