vándorlás/ok - Wandering(s) Causes
Veronika Sifter
& Thomas Körtvélyessy
17:00 - 18:00

After having met at the 2019 BodyIQ, Veronika Sifter and Thomas Körtvélyessy began a project via Zoom, as teacher and student of Kinetic Awareness®, an influential, but at times little-known somatic movement practice developed by choreographer and intermedia artist Elaine Summers, during and after co-founding the (in)famous Judson Dance Theater in New York, having studied with two Jewish students of Berlin-based pioneer Elsa Gindler, Charlotte Selver (Silber) and Carola Speads (Spitz).
They quickly realized that this was a journey where apparent sidelines of the way were as defining, sometimes even more important than the main road, inviting them to wander along appearing causes. The radical student-centeredness of Kinetic Awareness®, its uncompromising emphasis on individual condition, choice, and sensorial response-ability, in-formation, created and creates an ideal connection to deal with marginalization, othering, (inter)generational trauma, and historical and very current political social developments, including their related countries.
Together they invite you to an experimental conversational sharing of their process, where often it turns out that what we need, we may sometimes already have, once we get to understand it as such. Lineages, languages, images, stories of present and embodied experience, will be shared & brought together, along with rubber balls, …
My name is Veronika Sifter from Hungary. I am a mother and mover over 40, member of the ArtMan Association. In my everyday life I work as a cultural and financial manager and festival organizer. I believe in compatibility of everyday life and consciousness of touch and movement and also the possibility of being in the body - both for professional dancers and for everybody else.
Thomas Körtvélyessy (HU/DE/NL) has been working to re-form dance from its central sensation of movement in order to make sense in the moment from the mid-1990s until the present. Being a 3rd generation refugee with Hungarian and German roots, security and presence are major needs. As part of this work he became a certified Master Teacher of Kinetic Awareness® and is an executive of the Artistic Estate of its originator, Elaine Summers, while continuing his own dance-art projects, exploring traditional, (post)modern, site-specific, notational, improvised and Queer & Gay-centered choreography in a global context. www.realdancecompany.org