Valentin Kannicht
Valentin Kannicht has been teaching the Alexander Technique in individual lessons in the “System-Körper-Raum” (Leipzig) since 2019.
'I attended two different online-trainings about teaching the Alexander Technique online in 2020 and since then I am offering online-teaching (group-workshops and individual lessons). I worked as a social worker in a national pilot project of the “Internationale Gesellschaft für erzieherische Hilfen” (IGFH) between 2015 und 2018 with Diana Düring and Friedhelm Peters and as an ombudsman in the “Kinder und Jugendhilferechtsverein” between 2018 and 2020. I have published several articles and a book on pedagogical and political issues and I am part of the editorial board of “Forum Erziehungshilfen”. I studied special educational needs (B.A.) and social work (M.A.) and trained as a certified Alexander Technique Teacher with Dan Armon'.