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Our new program for 2019 will be available and displayed here in the Spring of 2019. To get a sense feel free to scroll around in our last program from 2017.

Details Workshops  Friday 17th November 

Porträt Thomas Kampe ©Steve Blunt.jpg

WS Titlee

Teacher 1

Teacher 2


In Contact Improvisation we are communicating by listening through the skin. Together we are constantly sensing the subtle changes in our mutual balance. As we move we practice a body organization which stays relaxed and ready to respond fully in each moment. We are beginning to meet a state of feeling comfortable in the unknown.
Through this language we can experience from within what mutual support means for us today, in this moment and where we stand together with our partner.


11:00 - 12.30

based in Berlin, is a dancer, teacher and somatic movement researcher deeply committed to Contact Improvisation and its community internationally. She has been teaching dance full time and wholeheartedly for over two decades, CI since 2004. 
She is the artistic director of the Annual Contact Festival Fuerteventura/ Spain and creates events internationally merging Life & Dance and Research & Practise.

Within the context of democracy finding your own voice and being able to listen to others’ voices by orienting to one’s Midline can be a fundamental practice. We will work with a core principle of Craniosacral Practice, offering stillness in the fluctuation of the fluid body. Stillness (Stillpoint) can offer a physical level effect to calm the nervous system, the feeling level effect to deepen inner listening and connection to intuition and the physical-feeling effect to be able to sense self and other with respective boundaries.


11:00 - 12.30

Canadian choreographer, dance educator and Craniosacral Practitioner based in Berlin. Her choreography has been presented since 1993 in Canada, Europe the in the U.K. She danced in the works of numerous choreographers and with Toronto’s Dancemakers (1994-2006), which toured nationally and internationally. She works as a creative facilitator for directors and choreographers in dance/performance. Shannon created, Dynamic Expansion, a somatic practice combining her embodied knowledge in craniosacral therapy and dance, which she teaches internationally.

Through which questionings and experiments can we learn to trust the intelligence of our organism: to experience how we can move more effortlessly and more relatedly? Related to what? What inner and outside forces are then able to work together? Orienting to “the other” fully awake in the here and now, we are can touch a sense of presence and alignment in us. Familiar movements get alienated in a playfull manner in order to touch more experiencing of our native potentials as human beeings beyond of learned habits.


11:00 - 12.30

Diplompsychologin, Breath- and movement coach/-therapist (Diplom/BVA). Since 1975 Explorations in Body-Mind: with original Gindlerstudents Frieda Goralewski, und Charlotte Selver, with Moshe Feldenkrais, Min Tanaka and Suprapto Suryodarmo among many others. Since 1981 freelance teachings in institutions and in own studio moveri in Berlin: unfolding of the synergetic approach “moveri” based on the taoistic movement meditation Taijiquan and Gindler’s-work/Sensory Awareness. Congress appearances and publications. International Performances Body Weather Laboratory/Butoh, 1986 White Monkeys in the “SO 36 Berlin” (as co-organizer of festival and as performer), member of Company “No Thrills” (Janine Schneider).

The whirling run of things continuously causes unpredictable events, and it swirls our plans, intentions and actions. It depends on the situation, our condition and our skills if we experience this impact as disturbance, support, irritation, obstruction or as great fortune. Based on Feldenkrais and improvisation we experiment how we can cope flexibly, serenely and creatively with these perturbations, and how they can enrich our collective living.


13:00 - 14:30

"Dancer/Choreographer/Researcher/Feldenkrais Practitioner/hiking guideTrained as physiotherapist, studies and practice of contemporary dance, (contact-) improvisation and instant composition. Longterm experience in several somatic practices, professionally trained in Feldenkrais Method. Artistic works and research with the focus on the connection between somatic and choreographic practices as well as on walking. Regular national and international teaching, contributions for congresses and publications: Collabotrations i.a. with mit AREAL_artistic research lab Berlin and part of the curating team of Somatic Academy Berlin.

A lab inspired by a mediation project facilitating encounters between old and new Berliners in neighbourhoods hosting refugee accommodations. We will explore a somatic approach to mediation for creating a safe space of encounter inviting diverse backgrounds and opinions. In what ways can fear find a way to be heard and transformed? How can bodily experiences support a ground for changing perspective? What supports a space for somatically guiding towards and experiencing empathy?







13:00 - 14.30

Jana Schildt is a mediator, holds a PhD in peace & conflict studies and is passionate about dance and movement since she did the “Moving on Center” training. She explores a somatic approach to mediation working with conflicts ranging from interpersonal to international. In her work, she is curious in how the body manifests itself in conflict and how a holistic body-mind approach can support us in going through conflict in a constructive way.

How can I be  fully expressed while taking care of others?
In this session we will focus on the empathic capacity of the voice.

In the ""Roy-Hart-Work"" we explore the voice in all its forms of expression and timbres, regardless of aesthetic norms. We examine the relationship between voice and body as well as voice and consciousness. We leave the beaten path, as we know our voice and use are used to and examine what we perceive as music in our voice. 


13:00 - 14.30

is an austrian performance artist, voice performer and Roy Hart Voice Teacher based close to Berlin. She works equally solo and in different formations together with artists of other fields in interdisciplinary projects. She originally studied "New Artistic Media" with Ulrike Rosenbach in Saarbrücken, parallel she started working in the contemporary dance field. Since then develops her own original work focusing on movement/acrobatics, video-installation, composition and voice. Since 2009 she is an approved Roy Hart Voice Teacher (Malérargues, France) and regularly teaching voice-workshops in Germany and all around Europe.

Together or not, and how to create it or to leave it? All life processes are formed by rhythmical meshings or its shiftings. What do we do when we connect or disengage? How do we cope with stumbling, stagnation or acceleration in the dynamics of embeddedness? How can we develop more variety to weave into or out of harmonic or dissonant rhythms? This practice-theory-lab uses simple movement and perception experiments to reflect on such synchronization processes.


16:00 - 18:30

According to Einstein´s maxim: "Learning is experience, everything else is just information", we explore how playing is linked with learning. How we experience the world is dependent on our focus. Learning starts in utero through our senses, the importance of our senses continues throughout our life. With our eyes, ears and skin we tune into relationship, responsibility, trust and space... With Contact Improvisation we update our sensory patterns. Our differences in being and our different needs and desires enrich our experience and thus our learning.


16:00 - 18:30

Adalisa Menghini teacher/choreographer/performer, studied at the S.N.D.O. in Amsterdam and completed her studies in neurophysiological psychology. She is currently studying the Feldenkrais method. She works with professional and non-professional dancers as well as kids and seniors. Twice she has been nominated best choreographer of ""Giocabriga"". Together with K. Wickenhäuser she brought performances with kids into museums. Twice they won the price ""Kinder zum Olymp"". She is teaching at Tanzfabrik and at Udk Berlin.

Heike Kuhlmann, Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist (SME/SMT), dance pedagogue, dancer and choreographer. Since the 90's she is teaching people of different age groups with a dance/movement pedagogical or artistical focus. Part of the Global Water Dances Performance Collective Berlin, she choreographed and organised the Global Water Dances in Berlin 2011-17."

In the “alchemy” of life, body/somatic awareness becomes an equal participant together with mind and spirit in the unfolding of trust, flow, and agency for collective communication and decision making. In this workshop you will learn about the development of sensory awareness for the movement of breath in the body as a source for identification of Self and Other. You will also learn how to “read” not only your own breath’s meaning but become able to differentiate own and other breath rhythms, leading to a more authentic and conflict-free communication. Approaches of the breathexperience modality have been developed by Ilse Middendorf and Juerg Roffler.   


16:00 - 18:30

Juerg Roffler trained with Prof. Ilse Middendorf at her Institute in Berlin and was a close associate until her death. He taught there for many years before he came to the U.S. In 1991 he founded the Middendorf Institute for Breathexperience in San Francisco. In 2001 the Institute moved to Berkeley, CA where Juerg currently trains practitioners in the Middendorf form of Breathexperience. He also maintains a private practice in Berkeley, and teaches workshops all over the world. Juerg is the director of the U.S. Middendorf Training Program and has also developed the Programs Breathexperience in Relationship, breathmoves/atembewegt , Breathexperience in Performing Arts and the Breathexperience Integration Program. He also directs professional training programs in Europe and Canada. Juerg's training program is accredited by the German BVA/AFA.

for and by everyone



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Details Workshops   Saturday 18th November  

The capitalist system and the society based on paid labor are in a deep crisis, while the fear of change seems have increased. Social alternatives drafts or utopian visions are missing or hardly heard. Protest movements are limiting themselves more to the against than offering alternatives. Where do somatics and libertarian visions overlap? How can somatic practices be used specifically to develop new ideas and social utopia? How can somatic practices help to possess an ethical / moral attitude? What is the understanding of resistance / resistance / civil disobedience?

The first part deals with the practical exploration of possible opposites of social left protest movements and somatic practices as well as to search for congruence.


11:00 - 12.30

Dancer, choreographer, SME/SMT(Dipl IBMT), political/visionary being, interested in the intersection of somatics, art and politics, part of the Global Water Dances Performance Collective Berlin since 2010. 

Structure is not static, but living process. We will explore the process of cell migration - pathways of creating spaces, of folding and unfolding in spirals and fluidity. We will look at our own embryological development and the ongoing dance of existence. Revisiting the history of our bones, joints, connective tissue and muscles and how they formed themselves to built a living vibrant structure that supports resilience, interconnection and effortless fluency.


11:00 - 12.30

teaches BMC®, Contact Improvisation and Yoga in Classes, Workshops, at Dance Festivals and Contemporary Dance Schools as well at Yoga Teacher Trainings. She is Somatic Movement Educator (BMC®) and Practitioner (BMC®) studied with moveus and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and is part of the team of the Somatische Basis Ausbildung at Somatische Akademie Berlin. She is on the board of the germanspeaking BMC® Association GLIA.

In this practical session we will explore ideas on ‘self-creation’ and ‘autonomy’ - as lived, embodied and relational processes - proposed by French-Greek social theorist Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). Following his call to ‘create a society in which autonomous human beings can collectively govern themselves in autonomy’ (2011:72) we will explore collective touch-interaction and improvisation processes as a critical practice to facilitate agency, curiosity and resistance in the learner and dancer.


11:00 - 12.30

Thomas Kampe (PhD) lives in London and has worked internationally as performer, performance-maker and educator for more than 30 years. Choreographic collaborations have included works with Liz Aggiss, Carol Brown, Rosemary Lee and an extensive exchange with theatre-director Julia Pascal.  He currently works as Senior Lecturer for Movement for Actors at Bath Spa University. He is a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method ® which forms a foundation for his teaching, research and artistic practice.

VV (= Visual vernacular), is a a special form of visual storytelling, which is best known in the Deaf culture. The resulting noise in the telling as breathing, laughing, coughing, and the speed of narration will be part of the storytelling. VV supplies through the stories told more about the Deaf community, even if they are delivered in an abstract form.


13:00 - 14:30

Gal Naor is an Israeli Sign Language interpreter, choreographer, theater-maker and founder of The progressive wave performance company. In his pieces he deals with the relations between language, identity and culture. His intensive engagement within the Deaf social circles in Israel and Germany is significantly contributing to his artistic researches. This year, together with his artistic partner Matan Zamir, they are working on Oráculo, the second chapter in their performance trilogy Science of Signs.

Can I question wellknown habits and modify my reactions? How do I have to construct my environment to dare to fail and within that create space for new experience? How much critical questioning is necessary and how much trust needed to stand for an idea without getting stuck in it? This workshop will approach these questions with exercises inspired by the work of Lisa Nelson.


13:00 - 14:30

Making choices based on perception. After finishing her studies in biology, Andrea Keiz completed an education as a teacher for dance improvisation. Since 1993 she is teaching in the field of Improvisation and Contact improvisation. Through Improvisation she developed as well a certain interest in perception. This led her to working with video. Since 2000 Andrea Keiz has been constantly working in the field of video documentation of contemporary dance in Berlin as well as video artist in several collaborations.

The capitalist system and the society based on paid labor are in a deep crisis, while the fear of change seems have increased. Social alternatives drafts or utopian visions are missing or hardly heard. Protest movements are limiting themselves more to the against than offering alternatives. Where do somatics and libertarian visions overlap? How can somatic practices be used specifically to develop new ideas and social utopia? How can somatic practices help to possess an ethical / moral attitude? What is the understanding of resistance / resistance / civil disobedience?

In the second part we will move while inquiring us, allowing us to create ideas, visions and utopias in creative, playful improvisations (freely using the zapatistian motto)


13:00 - 14:30

Dancer, choreographer, SME/SMT(Dipl IBMT), political/visionary being, interested in the intersection of somatics, art and politics, part of the Global Water Dances Performance Collective Berlin since 2010. 

Milieus are social arrangements, in which people move habitually or oddly. The body functions as mnemonic that informs us how we feel where: fitting or inappropriate, secure or insecure. In dance improvisation and somatic learning processes it is interesting to study such sense of familiarity/unfamiliarity with more and more differentiation, to eventually shift our perception and action. We will use the concept of milieu to improvise, reflect, dance, and discuss aspects of embodiment.


16:00 - 18:30

Susanne Martin (PhD) performs, researches and teaches in the field of contemporary dance, improvisation, contact improvisation, and somaticly informed performance practice. She works internationally. Her book “Dancing Age(ing)” was published 2017 by transcript. 

Olaf Stuve works in political education. He employs a deconstructive perspective on identity, gender and body. Deconstruction means to critically include societal normative constructions into ones thinking, and still develop reflexive agency.

Living within a system that is becoming increasingly unstable and unsustainable, it can be hard at times to keep track and find orientation. On the one hand, we contribute to an increasing environmental and social unsustainability simply by being a living part of the interwoven complexity of many cultures on earth; on the other hand we may be looking for a way out and may feel paralyzed by the forces that still resist a more thorough manifestation of the new visions and changes needed. How do our bodies actually feel within the tension created by these two poles and how may our bodies contribute to our ability to hold or even resolve this tension.


16:00 - 18:30

Kai Ehrhardt is a breath therapist based on Prof. Ilse Middendorf's work, a Continuum teacher, holds the German Heilpraktiker license for psychotherapy and co-founded the Somatic Academy of Berlin. He created "Authentic Eros - Explorations for Men" and curates the festivals “STRETCH” and “BODY IQ”. He believes that the conscious body and an expanded understanding of Eros constitute crucial elements in our evolution toward an integral way of life. Kai teaches since 2002 across Europe and in the US.

In this workshop, we will explore the bodily dimension of decision making and social interaction. How are decisions made by and through our sensing body, quite often even before we are consciously aware of them? How does this occur with many people involved, and how are positions and hierarchies thereby developing? How are we able to develop complex relations and interactions in their interplay of democratic equality and difference? Focusing on the difference between a mono-centric and poly-centric perception of the body, we will pursue those questions through practical movement and theoretical reflection.


16:00 - 18:30

Undine Eberlein, Studium an der FU Berlin und Promotion in Philosophie über „Einzigartigkeit. Das romantische Individualitätskonzept der Moderne“ (Campus 2000); Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der FU Berlin und Universität Magdeburg sowie Dozentin der Erwachsenenbildung; daneben Ausbildung zur Kursleiterin in Autogenem Training, Tai Chi und Qi Gong sowie somatische Forschung; derzeit Lehrtätigkeit an der ASH Berlin, Forschung im Bereich Leibphänomenologie und Herausgabe eines Sammelbandes „Zwischenleiblichkeit und bewegtes Verstehen - Intercorporeity, Movement and Tacit Knowledge“ (transcript 2016).

Joa Hug ist künstlerisch-forschender Doktorand an der Universität der Künste in Helsinki und lebt in Berlin. Nach dem Studium von Geschichte, Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie an den Universitäten Freiburg und Eugene/Oregon (US) hat er in Amsterdam zunächst an der SNDO Tanz und Choreographie studiert, danach intensiv mit Body Weather Amsterdam gearbeitet und an der Universität Amsterdam einen Master in künstlerischer Forschung absolviert. Seine Forschung geht der Frage nach, wie denkende Reflektion in körperliche Praxis eingebettet werden kann.

 "Oráculo" is the second chapter in the The progressive wave's performance trilogy “Science of Signs”. This visual dance piece will translate ancient scriptures into contemporary stage directions. Displaying juxtapositions and overlaps of several spiritual doctrines. A thought-out collision between various ancient wisdoms, cultures and traditions. 


19:30 - 21:30

Gal Naor is an Israeli Sign Language interpreter, choreographer, theater-maker and founder of The progressive wave performance company. In his pieces he deals with the relations between language, identity and culture. His intensive engagement within the Deaf social circles in Israel and Germany is significantly contributing to his artistic researches. This year, together with his artistic partner Matan Zamir, they are working on Oráculo, the second chapter in their performance trilogy Science of Signs.

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Details Workshops   Sunday 19th November 

Can I question wellknown habits and modify my reactions? How do I have to construct my environment to dare to fail and within that create space for new experience? How much critical questioning is necessary and how much trust needed to stand for an idea without getting stuck in it? This workshop will approach these questions with exercises inspired by the work of Lisa Nelson.


11:00 - 12:30

Making choices based on perception. After finishing her studies in biology, Andrea Keiz completed an education as a teacher for dance improvisation. Since 1993 she is teaching in the field of Improvisation and Contact improvisation. Through Improvisation she developed as well a certain interest in perception. This led her to working with video. Since 2000 Andrea Keiz has been constantly working in the field of video documentation of contemporary dance in Berlin as well as video artist in several collaborations.

In playful improvisations and movement tasks we experiment with limitations and obstructions. By not knowing, we lure the body to continuously find solutions and to create new and strange movements. Therfore it is a precondition, that we become quiet and keep ourselves and our ideas in the background. Behaving this way we are able to open up to strange experiencing. By this we might get at least a deeper experience of ourselves.


11:00 - 12:30

Diplompsychologin, Breath- and movement coach/-therapist (Diplom/BVA). Since 1975 Explorations in Body-Mind: with original Gindlerstudents Frieda Goralewski, und Charlotte Selver, with Moshe Feldenkrais, Min Tanaka and Suprapto Suryodarmo among many others. Since 1981 freelanced teachings in institutions and in own Studio moveri in Berlin: unfolding of the synergetic approach “moveri” based on the taoistic movementmeditation Taijiquan and Gindler’s-work/Sensory Awareness. Congress appearances and publications. International Performances Body Weather Laboratory/Butoh, 1986 White Monkeys in the “SO 36 Berlin” (as coorganisationer of festival and as performer), member of Company “No Thrills” (Janine Schneider).

In die Sprache und den Klang einer Kultur hineinzuwachsen und zum individuell verkörperten, musikalischen Archiv eines Sprachkollektives zu werden ist ein zutiefst leiblicher, konkret physischer Prozess. Er gleicht der vollständigen Entfaltung der Bewegungsentwicklung des Einzelnen. So formuliert Valère Novarina für den „Sprachwurf’“des Schauspielers/Sprechers „er trägt zum Singen keine Partitur unterm Arm oder im Kopf, er kommt und greift den Tanz bei der Geburt und zwischen drei Vokalen: er geht in der Musik so weit zurück, als sie erst noch in stummen Gesten war.... etwas was drin ist. Wie die Stille im Klang, oder die  Kehrseite der Geste im Raum.“

In diesem Workshop werden wir ‚sprechen’ und ‚hören’ als leibliche Prozesse eines kollektiven Sprachgedächtnisses erfahrbar machen.


11:00 - 12:30

M.A. theatre science, french studies and political sciences. director, yogateacher and moderator BDY/EYU, triyoga teacher. She is the founder of the somatic academy berlin and the center for yoga and voice. Her main interest is focused on the interface of "body/leib" and voice in the context of art, healing art and scientific research

How can I be  fully expressed while taking care of others?
In this session we will focus on the empathic capacity of the voice.

In the ""Roy-Hart-Work"" we explore the voice in all its forms of expression and timbres, regardless of aesthetic norms. We examine the relationship between voice and body as well as voice and consciousness. We leave the beaten path, as we know our voice and use are used to and examine what we perceive as music in our voice.


13:00 - 14:30

is voice performer, videomaker and voice teacher. In her artistic work she is researching the particularities and possibilities of her own voice in the system of connections between voice, body and consciousness. 
Since 2010 she is a Roy Hart Voice Teacher, certified by the "Centre Artistique International Roy Hart" in France and teaches regular workshops in Germany, Belgium, Austria and France. She is also teaching individual classes in Berlin and occasionally does vocal coaching for theater and dance productions.

Each cell in our body has living intelligence. It can breathe, move, perceive and is capable of knowing itself. It has a past, a present, a future. Embodiment is the awareness of the cells of themselves. Consciousness of the experienced moment. There is no witness, only direct experience. We will explore diversity, homeostasis between the cells and communication among them. We will experience the uniqueness of cells, their living process and how together they form specific communities and function as different tissues to support the whole person. 


13:00 - 14:30

teaches BMC®, Contact Improvisation and Yoga in Classes, Workshops, at Dance Festivals and Contemporary Dance Schools as well at Yoga Teacher Trainings. She is Somatic Movement Educator (BMC®) and Practitioner (BMC®) studied with moveus and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and is part of the team of the Somatische Basis Ausbildung at Somatische Akademie Berlin. She is on the board of the germanspeaking BMC® Association GLIA.

‘The democratic individual cannot exist if it is not lucid, and lucid in the first place about itself’ (Castoriadis 2005)
This practice/theory lab interrogates social-theorist Cornelius Castoriadis’ (1922 -1997) concept of Elucidation as a process of ‘thoughtful doing’ towards a ‘self-transformation of society’ (2005:40). Adams (2011) describes Elucidation as a process of ‘becoming illuminated’, ‘making clear’ and ‘making sense of’. Can somatic practices provide an education against ‘the terrorism of conformist thought, that is to say non-thought’ (Castoriadis 2005: 9)? How do we nurture the lucid individual?


13:00 - 14:30

(PhD) lives in London and has worked internationally as performer, performance-maker and educator for more than 30 years. Choreographic collaborations have included works with Liz Aggiss, Carol Brown, Rosemary Lee and an extensive exchange with theatre-director Julia Pascal.  He currently works as Senior Lecturer for Movement for Actors at Bath Spa University. He is a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method ® which forms a foundation for his teaching, research and artistic practice.

What does it mean to do something with our bodies together? And how can community not undermine the individual's desires, but empower them, and vice versa? Borrowing from somatic work, clubbing, magickal group processes, and everyday life, we will reflect on the question whether "dancing around" can actually affect societal change, or whether that's something we just tell ourselves to justify all our navel-gazing Berlin bullshit.


16:00 - 18:30

is a choreographer, dancer, teacher, father, filmmaker, musician, bodyworker, activist, and tea collector based in Berlin. He holds an M.A. in Choreography from HZT Berlin and has collaborated with artists such as Felix Ruckert, Nir de Volff/Total Brutal, Ingo Reulecke, Friederike Plafki, and Tino Sehgal. For more info, visit

Individual breath rhythms emerge as an important indicator of all conscious and unconscious events within and around us. In this workshop you will learn how to identify your authentic, individual breath rhythm and how it supports relationships as it is not compromised when entering partnerships or being in communication. Breath becomes both the basis of our orientation and identification and the source that shows us what the next step can be in our personal process and in our partnerships and communication.


16:00 - 18:30

Juerg Roffler trained with Prof. Ilse Middendorf at her Institute in Berlin and was a close associate until her death. He taught there for many years before he came to the U.S. In 1991 he founded the Middendorf Institute for Breathexperience in San Francisco. In 2001 the Institute moved to Berkeley, CA where Juerg currently trains practitioners in the Middendorf form of Breathexperience. He also maintains a private practice in Berkeley, and teaches workshops all over the world. Juerg is the director of the U.S. Middendorf Training Program and has also developed the Programs Breathexperience in Relationship, breathmoves/atembewegt , Breathexperience in Performing Arts and the Breathexperience Integration Program. He also directs professional training programs in Europe and Canada. Juerg's training program is accredited by the German BVA/AFA.

Anchored in a global society, which is determined by historical power relations, our body is animated internally, but at the same time constantly read from the outside and placed in a normative order.
This social position, which we can not escape, has an invisible but powerful effect on our movements, our identity and our everyday lives.
In this workshop we want to dance-explore these interwoven phenomena of the internally experienced and the externally positioned body.


16:00 - 18:30

Mariana Lo Sasso is a political education trainer specialized in anti-racism and diversity, mother, somatic yoga trainer and passionate dancer.

Natascha Roy is a Teacher for Comtemporary Dance, Improviation and Performance.
She studied at the SNDO, School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam,
she realized various choreographic Projects and is a passionate Photographer.

Andrea Keiz, Juerg Roffler, Kai van Eickels, Susanne Martin discuss the how the resonant, conscious body can support the unfolding of trust, flow and agency for collective communication and decision-making - despite different values and opinion.



(PhD) lives in London and has worked internationally as performer, performance-maker and educator for more than 30 years. Choreographic collaborations have included works with Liz Aggiss, Carol Brown, Rosemary Lee and an extensive exchange with theatre-director Julia Pascal.  He currently works as Senior Lecturer for Movement for Actors at Bath Spa University. He is a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method ® which forms a foundation for his teaching, research and artistic practice.

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